Swami Sivananda – Leben und Werk Audio Vortrag


Sukadev spricht über Swami Sivananda. Er bringt dir so die Essenz seiner Lehren nahe und lässt dich erahnen, was ein Yoga Meister ist. Swami Sivananda lebte von 1887-1963. Er war einer der großen Yoga-Meister des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er gehört zu den Erneuerern des Yoga, der die große Popularität des heutigen Yoga überhaupt ermöglicht hat. Er […]

Advice to Devotee #7


In this recording Swami Sivananda talks briefly about several yoga topics, including music, mantras, meditation, japa, pranayama, immortal bliss and a pure heart, and purity of mind. He mentions other topics as well, in this letter to a devotee from 1956.

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For more lectures and kirtans in Swami Sivananda’s own voice, please visit www.yoga-vedanta-tantra.org .

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda: http://www.sivanandaonline.org, http://my.yoga-vidya.org . Copyright the Divine Life Society .

Advice to a Meditator


Swami Sivananda gives us advice on how to meditate and on how to reach moksha, the goal of life.

For more lectures and kirtans in Swami Sivananda’s own voice, please visit www.yoga-vedanta-tantra.org .

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda: http://www.sivanandaonline.org, http://my.yoga-vidya.org . Copyright the Divine Life Society .

Advice to a Letter Writer


Swami Sivananda reads a letter in response to a student – he tells him that the memory of God in sleep is a great achievement. Meditate at night. God will help you – he becomes a slave of devotees. The letter continues with more specific advice on sadhana, or spiritual practice.

For more lectures and kirtans in Swami Sivananda’s own voice, please visit www.yoga-vedanta-tantra.org .

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda: http://www.sivanandaonline.org, http://my.yoga-vidya.org . Copyright the Divine Life Society .

Essence of Sadhana

M-draw2.tifSwami Sivananda explains the essence of sadhana in this short lecture. Some of the things we can do are to eliminate egoism, become humble, behold the Self everywhere, and much, much more. An indispensable guide for successful sadhana.

Historical recording of Swami Sivananda, 1887-1963, one of the greatest yoga masters of modern India. To find out more about Swami Sivananda: http://www.sivanandaonline.org, http://my.yoga-vidya.org . Copyright the Divine Life Society .